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Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Onew Shinee when he was young :)

When Jinki was young, he was the type of person who went to CD game shops just so that he could play games for free. This kid always tried his best so that he could play the games. However, one day he decided to purchase the game CD as he felt embarrassed for always playing it for free at the shop (he’s really sucha nice kid). He bought the CD game even though he didn’t have the game player. (LOL)
During primary school, Jinki would always tear up when he wrote letters to his parents whenever he thought about how late his parents came home from work.
In middle school, like many other kids his age, he often wanted to go out to play (with friends) but instead, he would help his parents out at work.
In high school, he entered the academy (SM Academy) yet he would still do part-time jobs like delivering newspapers in order to not give his parents a burden. At that age, he also became a vice-class president for other schools. He had some friends whom he was close with and his grades were always in the top ranked. He even ranked #2 in his last year of High School
Jinki’s daily schedule in high school (already SM-trainee at that time)
Wake up at dawn to go swimming and walk to school. Listen well in class
After class (still in uniform), he goes to the training room. Majority of Jinki’s pre-debut pics were of him near SM Academy and of him in uniform. After training, he would go home and do 1000x rope-jumping…this is already very well known (many people know about this)
20 year old Jinki after debut (korean age)
Still the same. No matter if we look at his performances or Night Star, he would continuously greet people. Whenever they needed anything, he would not hesitate to stand up for them. To people who have judged Jinki before, he would still smile at them.
During this Night Star recording when they were blood-donating and amongst his musical rehearsals… was always worried about his health. He even greeted/thanked fans who did not donate blood at that time.
During the day he had to record a program and afterwards he had to record Night Star until midnight. Looking at him becoming skinnier and skinnier day by day, his pants becoming looser and looser…
When he felt hungry, he sat in the corner and ate choco-pie…
Etc etc
This is why ordinary Jinki is not an ordinary person…
source: shakizi
chinese translation: For_SHINee_World’s weibo
eng translation: vivinjolian@tumblr

naah sekarang aku coba translate ke bahasa ibu kita, bahasa Indonesia, yaaa chingu :)

gini kurang lebihnyaa ::

Saat Jinki masih kecil, dia adalah tipikal orang yang pergi ke toko video game agar dia bisa memainkan game itu secara gratis.
Anak ini selalu berusaha agar dia bisa bermain game tersebut
bagaimanapun juga, suatu hari dia memutuskan untuk membeli kaset game tersebut karena dia merasa malu hanya memainkannya
secara gratis di toko (aah oppa baik sekalii)
dia pun membeli CD itu meskipun dia tak punya CD player
saat di sekolah dasar, Onew oppa selalu menangis saat menulis surat karena memikirkan tentang orang tuanya yang selalu
terlambat pulang setelah bekerja

saat di sekolah menengah, seperti kebanyakan anak seusianya, Onew juga terkadang pergi bermain dengan teman-temannya
tapi ia juga selalu membantu orang tuanya bekerja
saat SMA, ia mulai masuk ke SM entertainment, dan tetap saja ia masih bekerja paruh waktu, seperti mengantar koran supaya ia tidak
membebani orang tuanya .
di usia itu juga ia menjadi vice-president di sekolah lain, dan ia juga punya beberapa sahabat .
dan prestasi pendidikannya juga baik, ia selalu berada di ranking atas, malah ia mendapat peringkat 2 di tahun
terakhirnya di SMA.

jadwal harian Jinki saat SMA (ia sudah masuk SM entertainment), bangun saat fajar, berenang, lalu pergi berjalan ke sekolah,
sepulang sekolah, (masih dengan seragam) ia langsung ikut berlatih
mayoritas foto pre-debutnya di SM masih memakai seragam .
setelah selesai latihan, ia akan pulang dan melakukan 1000x lompatan, ini sih udah terkenal, banyak yg udah tau ritual ini

di usia 20 tahun (setelah debut)
dia tetap Jinki yang sama, tak peduli bagaimana kita melihat penampilannya, dia masih akan tetap menyapa orang-orang. Kapanpun mereka membutuhkan sesuatu, dia tidak ragu untuk membantu mereka dan tetap tersenyum pada orang-orang yang sudah menilai buruk atas dirinya.

Saat rekaman dan konser musiknya, mereka (fans) mengadakan aksi donor darah, Onew oppa juga khawatir akan kesehatannya, bahkan mengucapkan terima kasih pada mereka yang tidak mendonorkan darahnya saat itu.

Di siang hari, dia harus rekaman untuk program, dan di malam hari, dia harus rekaman album sampai tengah malam , karena itu ia menjadi semakin kurus dan celananya tambah longgar tiap harinya.. Saat ia lapar, ia akan duduk di pojokan dan memakan pie coklat .

Hoho, karena itulah Jinki yang biasa saja sebenarnya juga tidak biasa sajaa

want more ??

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